Hair FAQ's & Pages

I find inspiration everywhere.  While it is never my intent to copy another person's idea exactly, I do love to look around when I am in a hair rut.  No single person alive today is the inventor of any hairstyle.  Styles evolve and change and can be interpreted and adapted to fit the girl wearing it and her personality.
 Here are some common questions and comments about doing girly hair:
  • My daughter will never sit still and let me do her hair... Just start slow and easy.  Make it a fun experience with no expectations on your part or hers.  I have been doing my little girls hair since birth.  A baby brush, headband, velcro bow, whatever you can do, do it as soon as they are born so there is no "getting used to" period.  For the older toddler maybe put out a chair in front of a favorite video and begin by brushing.  A highchair with snacks for little ones is a great place to start!
  • We're just at  home or school most of the time.  Her hair looks fine in a ponytail... widen your horizons.  It really can be a special time together if you make the investment to spend a little time fixing your daughters hair.  Ponytails every day are boring.  Matted, ratty hair is just pathetic.  Beauty pageant hair each morning is not the goal: a neat, well looked after appearance is.  Anything above that is just icing on the cake.
  •  Seize the opportunity...they are only your little girl for so long, so make the most of this special time together.  Keep your hair toolbox handy for when inspiration strikes.  Laugh ALOT and she will too.  Soon she will be chasing you down for a hairdo instead of the other way around!
  • Experiment with products and tools... visit the hair aisle in Target or Ulta.  Try something new.  It's okay to use gel and hairspray and mousse in her hair.  Buy some heat protectant, dust off your curling iron and give her some curls once in a while.  Maybe tame her curls with your flat iron.  It's all right.  My spray bottle of water is my best hair friend of all.  I am compulsive about straight parts, smooth ponies and no fly away frizzies.  Keep it all under control with just a few shots from your water bottle before you begin.
  • Bows never stay when I put them in my daughters hair...there are several possible reasons for this. TRAINING - if you start young  at birth by putting in headbands, Elmer's glue or Velcro bows, this really won't be a problem.  If she's older, how do you get her to keep her shirt or pants on?  If you don't allow her to undress consider her hair accessory to be just as important.  TECHNIQUE - if you are just combing her hair to the side and sliding in a bow on an alligator clip and sending her out for the the day, then no, her bow will not stay put.  Nor will it keep her hair in place.  Think of the hair bow as you would any other accessory (necklace, earrings, scarf, bracelet.)  They are just the "icing on the cake" a finishing touch.  You must first give a good foundation.  Once you give her a hairstyle secured with elastics or bobby pins, you can then slide the bow in and expect it to stay in place.

Here are some more Hair Blogs and Places to find inspiration: IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER

She Does Hair  - a darling Mama with some darling ideas for girls hairstyles

Shorty Rockin' Hairstyles- a fun Mama with fun ideas for girls with short hair.  I sought her out when I had my first baldie.

Redpunzel - Rachel is a chic, talented Mama with a gorgeous redhead to work with.

Girly Do's - Jenn has got enough skill and creativity with girl hair to fill ten blogs.  Go there just to check out the sweet dimples on Beans!

Curly Q's - got girls with curls?

Babes in Hairland - These 3 babes have got it made.  There'll be no bad hair days with this lovely Mama around.